
PearlLab Beam™

Each bacteria, virus or spore has a unique sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Accurate determination of exposure times and wavelengths is a key step in characterizing cell behavior for any researcher or system designer. Collimating Beam Devices are a critical tool in providing a standardized unit of measurement for UV exposure.

Historically, these devices have used mercury-based lamps resulting in expensive, cumbersome, difficult to operate, and potentially dangerous systems. PearlLab Beam is a compact Collimated Beam Device which employs UV LEDs and emits radiation in the germicidal range. Its small size and ease of use allows the realization of a tabletop homogenized UV delivery system which can be operated in virtually any laboratory or field locations. The PearlLab Beam features a narrow band emission and is available in a suite of individually addressable wavelengths without the use of filters. As full UV-C intensity is reached in under 10mS, the use of a shutter is not necessary.

PearlLab Beam

The PearlLab Beam™ is 1 of 4 new platforms


Selectable power of each wavelength


Custom design for 96-well plate designed in collaboration with Tel Aviv University


Intensity Distribution at Petri Dish


Carrying case for PearlLab Beam for in-field research

PearlLab Beam™ | UV Dose Response Tool

Each unit provides a very uniform and stable irradiation spot with a Petri Dish Factor above 0.9. They can be used to uniformly irradiate Petri dishes up to 60mm in size. A proprietary integrated heat management system guarantees constant irradiation as a function of time. The temperature of each UV-LED is controlled with active feedback to ensure the intensity output remains constant. This prevents instant decay after turning on, which is typical of commercial UV LED sources. With UV-LED lifetimes up to 10,000 hours of constant wave operation, the PearlLab Beam requires no consumables.

The PearlLab Beam consists of a UVinaire, controller and collimating tube. Operation is extremely simple; place the Petri dish under the collimator tube, switch-on the desired wavelength(s) and expose the sample for a given time. Separate Intensity measurements can be made to calculate the UV Dose.

Far smaller and easier-to-use than mercury lamp-based collimated beam devices, the PearlLab Beam is an ideal addition to any laboratory working with UV Disinfection.

Standard ModelsDescription
PearlLab Beam S 255Single Wavelength, nominal 255 nm
PearlLab Beam S 280Single Wavelength, nominal 280 nm
PearlLab Beam D 255/280Dual Wavelength, nominal 255 & 280 nm
PearlLab Beam T 255/265/280Triple Wavelength, nominal 255, 265, & 280 nm
PearlLab Beam T 265/280/310Triple Wavelength, nominal 265, 280, & 310 nm
PearlLab Beam T 280/310/365Triple Wavelength, nominal 280, 310, & 365 nm
PearlLab Beam UV Sensor

UV sensor and hand-held optometer available for advanced measuring.

Laboratories using the PearlLab Beam™:

AquiSense Inc. & International Light Technologies (ILT)

AquiSense Inc. is now collaborating with International Light Technologies (ILT), manufacturer of advanced UV sensors and optometers. AquiSense offers these devices in combination with the PearlLab Beam, to give researchers the most cutting-edge UV research package available.

We can discuss your UV research goals and plan for an optimized package of collimated beam device, UV sensors, and optometer.

For more information on these sensors or optometers in combination with the PearlLab Beam, contact us at:

ILT UV Sensors

  • Wide variety of wavelengths
    • including key UV disinfection wavelengths
  • Low profile sensor to fit under Petri dish stage
  • Broadband and precise wavelength distribution
  • Sensors vary in height and wavelengths

ILT Optometers

  • Rechargeable, touch-screen hand-held device
  • View trends and averages – set advanced parameters for custom data
  • Intuitive software package

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