BOSAQ designs and manufactures premium drinking water installations for remote applications. They help tackle the water crisis by providing sustainable self-sufficient drinking water in an ecological and socially friendly manner. 10% of their profits go to a non-profit organization – Water Heroes.

The BOSAQ team has engineered the SolarAQ, a long-lasting, cost-effective, and durable water treatment system designed to treat any water source including sea, fresh, rain, and brackish water. The design requires a compact size and low power consumption as it is self-sustaining through a solar array.
The SolarAQ requires a UV LED disinfection system that allows for renewable or battery power options and had a compact footprint to enable the system to be portable. The SolarAQ is equipped with robust membrane technology along with the cutting-edge AquiSense PearlAqua Micro™. A UV-C LED solution was chosen due to its
- potential to be driven from a renewable/battery voltage source
- compact footprint
- lightweight


“UV-C LED technology provides a final measure of treatment in the SolarAQ. The PearlAqua Micro offers unique benefits unavailable with conventional solutions.”
– Jacob Bossaer
Founder & CEO